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Do Electric Fireplaces Use Lots of Electricity?

There are a number of common questions that may arise from clients when purchasing any sort of modern fireplace model, and some of these surround the energy source used for the fireplace and how much of it will be used to operate the fireplace. Within the realm of electric fireplaces in particular, this question tends to be focused: Do electric fireplaces use lots of electricity?

At Uintah Fireplace and Design, we’re here to help with a wide range of fireplace services for clients around Salt Lake City, Park City, Heber and nearby areas of Utah, including electric fireplace repair, installation and more. The answer to the question above: It depends on a few factors, from the specific type of electric fireplace you purchase to the way you use the fireplace and more. Here are some basics on how much electricity your electric fireplace uses, how these models are built for efficiency, and which specific uses tend to use up the most.

Watt Usage

Just to ensure that all our readers are on the same page, let’s start with a simple explanation of what watts are and how they’re used to measure electricity. A watt, or W, is simply the amount of power that’s needed to keep an object running at its current state for every second. This measurement is quite important when it comes to your electric fireplace usage since it has a direct impact on your electricity bill.

Most electric fireplaces use somewhere between 1,000 to 2,000 watts of power per hour, though this will depend on some of the factors we go over below. With average electricity cost in the United States running around 13 cents per kilowatt-hour, this means average electric fireplace usage is between 15 and 25 cents per hour or so.

Again, however, this will depend on a few factors. Some electric fireplaces, for instance, are built to be more efficient than others – they will use less watts while still producing the same amount of heat output. If you’re using an energy-efficient fireplace model and taking care of it properly with regular maintenance checks, your electricity usage may even fall below this average. Our next few sections will go over the key elements that may cause differences here.

Kind of Electric Fireplace

One of the main factors that might cause differences in your electric fireplace’s use of electricity is the kind you have. Some electric fireplaces, for instance, mimic traditional wood or gas-burning models – these are referred to as “infrared” electric fireplaces. Others are designed to be more decorative and do not produce as much heat output; they’re still technically heaters, but their usage will be lower.

Still others have no heating component at all, and exist purely for aesthetic purposes. These types of electric fireplaces will obviously use much less electricity than other models, but also have a lower heat output or even none at all.

Fireplace Efficiency

It’s also important to consider how efficiently your electric fireplace is able to convert electricity into heat. Some models are designed with higher efficiency in mind, meaning they use less watts to produce the same amount of heat as other models. This can impact your energy usage and bills significantly over time.

Usage Habits

Another major element that may cause differences in your electric fireplace’s electricity consumption is the way you use it. Are you running the fireplace constantly, or only turning it on occasionally for some extra warmth or ambiance? Do you turn it off when you leave the room, or leave it running all day?

Another factor here is how often, if at all, you use the fireplace’s heating feature. Many electric fireplaces come with options for either heating or non-heating use, and if you’re only using it for aesthetics, your electricity usage will be significantly lower.

Size and Placement

The size of your electric fireplace and its placement in the room can also impact electricity usage. If your model is too small for the space it’s placed in, it may need to work harder and use more watts to produce sufficient heat output. Additionally, if it’s placed in a drafty or uninsulated area of the room, it may also need to use more electricity to keep the space warm.

Maintenance and Care

Like many other high-value items in your home, regular maintenance and care for your electric fireplace can help maintain its efficiency and keep electricity usage low. It’s important to schedule regular service checks and cleanings for your electric fireplace to ensure it’s running efficiently and not using more watts than necessary.

Overall, while electric fireplaces do use electricity, there are a number of factors that may impact how much they use. By carefully considering the type of electric fireplace you purchase, your usage habits and how well you take care of the unit, you can keep electricity consumption to a reasonable level while still enjoying the warmth and ambiance of your modern fireplace.

At Uintah Fireplace and Design, we’re here to help with all aspects of electric fireplaces for our clients in SLC, Park City, Heber and other parts of Utah. Contact us today to learn more about our services. We also offer a variety of other fireplace options, including gas and wood-burning models, for those who prefer a more traditional heating source. Keep your home cozy and efficient with our help!

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